

Yvan Verougstraete is the frontrunner for Les Engagés (The Engaged) for the June 2024 European Elections

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Are you a Flemish-speaking Belgian ? Click Here

Are you a EU resident in Belgium ? You can also vote in Belgian elections at the European level. You just need to register online before the 31st of March 2024, see link below.

Are you an EU-citizen living in Belgium ? Vote to have a say in Belgian politics ! Belgium is a funny country; we’re sure you love it – but also love complaining about it 😉 So how about making things change ?! For Les Engagés, if you live here, you deserve to have a say !

How to register to vote :

  1. Read the info in any EU language on : https://europeanelections.belgium.be/
  2. Fill in the form to register : www.inscription.elections.fgov.be

Already registered? You now need to decide who to vote for ! We, Les Engagés, have big plans for Belgium and a great team to make them happen. We want to :

  • Decrease taxes on wages, including the suppression of the last bracket at 50%
  • New metro lines in Brussels and more public transport and bike lanes all around Belgium
  • State sponsored zero-interest-rate loans to insulate your house, instead of the “primes”
Drapeau Européen

Leave us your coordinates so we can tell you more about what we stand for!

Yvan Verougstraete is the frontrunner for Les Engagés (The Engaged) for the June 2024 European Elections. He’s also a first-time runner in elections at this scale, after a career as a serial entrepreneur including the founding of Medi-Market !

get to know Yvan

Yvan Verougstraete 2024